Friday, February 6, 2009

Getting into 2009

Laurel has really started showing some new and fun personality traits just recently! These photos are proof:). She has always been girlie, loving jewelry and such. Now she loves to dress herself up. Putting on hats, hanging shirts over her head, putting on our shoes, etc. She's even hung underwear around her neck! She's collecting purses, just likes to carry them around. In the car once, i turned around to see her wearing one as a hat (see the quick pic!) She's just been so funny lately:).

We also took Laurel to the beach last week. It was the first trip where I was determined that she would walk in the sand. She didn't like the loose sand much, so we carried her to the shoreline. Then she wore her little crocs as she adjusted. Soon she was running about, thrilled with herself! And off with the crocs and much fun was had. Tide was low and she loved to splash in the small pools of water. It was so exciting because I just love the beach.

Laurel has been fairly out of sorts this past week. In addition to having a cold, she is cutting 4 molars. So, we've had many cranky episodes. But for the most part, a real trooper.

She has added a couple more "words" to her vocabulary. "ca-ca"is cracker, "bubba" is bubbles, "tit" is sit, and "beep" when the milk is done in the microwave. Still no "hi" or "bye". But always "mo-mo!" for elmo and she will grab the remote and try to put it on herself!

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